Terms & Conditions
The Castle Kindergarten operates two sessions per day, five days a week, across three terms each year, with half-term breaks lasting one to two weeks.
Extended hours are available until 3:45 PM. Please consult with Mr. Richard regarding availability.
A non-refundable registration fee of £80 is required to secure your child’s place on our waiting list.
Upon confirmation of a place, a term’s fees and a £750 deposit are due. The deposit will be deducted from your child’s final term’s fees.
All children over the age of 3 are required to attend either five morning sessions or five afternoon sessions, based on availability.
Parents are kindly asked to provide a full term’s written notice before withdrawing their child from the school. Failure to do so will result in the full term’s fees being charged, and Universal Funding will not apply, as consistent attendance is required.
The nursery accepts children from 2 years old up to rising 5s, in preparation for entry into reception classes.