Ofsted Inspection
In the 2022 Ofsted inspection, The Castle Kindergarten once again received a Grade 1 (ie Outstanding) in all categories, as it did in its previous inspections carried out in 2016 and 2011. The link to this new report is below as are some quotes from the report.
Download the complete 2022 report Visit the Ofsted website
Children arrive excited and ready to learn.
Children benefit from a highly stimulating environment.
Staff model expectations in a calm and nurturing way.
Parents feel listened to and appreciate the excellent communication.
Staff have an excellent understanding of what each child knows and needs to learn next.
Children are extremely confident due to their high self-esteem, which is beautifully nurtured by staff.
Parents say they are extremely happy and tell the inspector that they feel incredibly lucky that their child attends this nursery.
The curriculum provided by the managers and staff is inspiring.
Staff know the children extremely well and can talk about their needs, next steps in learning and unique personalities in depth.
Children are extremely confident due to their high self-esteem, which is beautifully nurtured by staff.
Staff's focus on children's speech and language skills is exceptional. The sound of conversation and curious children's questions flows through the nursery.
Children thrive at this nursery and learn what they need to be successful in their future.